Dance for PD class helps Lincoln Parkinson’s community

June 3, 2019

Dance for PD is a movement class that empowers people with PD and their caregivers to explore movement and music in enjoyable, stimulating and creative ways to keep and regain mobility.

Why Dance for PD®?

  • Dance develops flexibility and instills confidence.
  • Dance is first and foremost a stimulating mental activity that connects mind to body.
  • Dance breaks isolation.
  • Dance invokes imagery in the service of graceful movement.
  • Dance focuses attention on eyes, ears and touch as tools to assist in movement and balance.
  • Dance increases awareness of where all parts of the body are in space.
  • Dance tells stories.
  • Dance sparks creativity.
  • The basis of dance is rhythm.
  • The essence of dance is joy

About Ruth Davidson Hahn

Ruth Davidson Hahn is professional dancer formerly with the Mark Morris Dance Group.  She has been specially trained in the Dance for PD® method.

“Ruth treats each person in the class — the Parkinson’s clients and their accompanying caregivers — as capable of meaningful expression through movement. By practicing real dance warmup moves, the members of her class get an insight into what modern dance is about, from the viewpoint of a professional modern dancer. As an instructor trained in the Dance for Parkinson’s approach, Ruth has a unique way of making her class feel like a choreographed team, while paying close attention to the challenges facing each individual member. ‘There is no bad dancing,’ she says, as she shows you how to get better.”   David Fowler, Dance for Parkinson’s Caregiver 

Words from one couple who attend Dance for Parkinson’s; “By the end of class each time I was walking on my own and without my walker just as if I weren’t suffering from this terrible malady. Dance for Parkinson’s has to be the best thing for people like me. I was sorry when the class was over. Thanks to Ruth for all her help.” Carolyn Johnsen, Dance for Parkinson’s Participant

Upcoming Session

Parkinson’s Nebraska is proud to sponsor the Ruth Davidson Hahn & Company Dance for PD class in Lincoln, NE. Please join us for the next 6-week session beginning on Wednesday, June 26th.

Where: Nebraska Ballet Theatre & School
            2620 O St. (map)
            Lincoln, Nebraska

When: Wednesdays, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm
            June 26th – July 31st

Price: $30 for a 6-week session (Anything over $30 is a tax-deductible donation)

Caregivers, spouses or partners free, drop-ins welcome.

To learn more or to register, please visit or call Ruth Davidson Hahn at 402-540-1242 or email
