NET Create TV Fitness Shows
August 24, 2020

The Nebraska Television Create TV Fitness Shows bring exercise straight into your living room! The stretching and yoga classes are a great way to keep active & moving.
Fitness Shows Descriptions
Classical Stretch: The Esmonde Technique
Host Miranda Esmonde-White performs her graceful routines in picturesque locations, incorporating a variety of standing, sitting, barre and floor routines.
Classical Stretch: By Essentrics
Former professional ballerina Miranda Esmonde-White helps people of all ages and fitness levels rebalance their bodies, increase mobility, and keep joints healthy and pain-free.
Happy Yoga with Sarah Starr
Certified yoga instructor Sarah Starr guides viewers through an invigorating, fun and accessible yoga routine.
Yoga In Practice
Stacey Millner-Collins teaches the foundations of yoga to the at-home student Each episode focuses on a universal theme and includes basic meditation and breathing techniques.
View the NET Create TV website here. Click Change Your Station and enter your zip code to see the Fitness Schedule in your area.
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